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Manuscript requirements

1 Manuscripts

Manuscripts should be scientific, innovative and practical, with correct research design and statistical methods, reliable data, clear arguments, rigorous structure, clear hierarchy and proper detail. The writing format and content of the manuscript should follow the reporting specifications of different types of medical research (see the attached table), and refer to the relevant articles recently published in this journal.

The Chinese requires Song, and the English requires Times New Roman with Size 5, 1.5 times line space (other requirements are required to be prepared as follows).

2 Medical ethics and informed consent

Research papers must follow the basic principles of medical ethics. When human are used as research subjects, it should be stated in the paper whether the procedures followed are in accordance with the ethical standards set by the ethical review committee (unit, region or country) responsible for human experimentation and whether informed consent has been obtained from the subject or his/her guardian, and the approval number should be included in the paper; when the subject of the paper is an animal, it should be stated whether it is in accordance with the rules of the unit and the country regarding the management and use of experimental animals, and if approval has been obtained, the approval number should be included in the paper. The above supporting documents should be uploaded electronically at the time of submission.

3 Title

The title should be concise and focused. The Chinese title generally does not exceed 20 Chinese characters, preferably without sub-titles, and generally without punctuation marks and abbreviations. The English title must be attached, and the meaning of the Chinese and English titles should be the same. The title should be written at the top of the page, in small four-point bold.

4 Author

The author's name is listed under the title, and the order of signatures should be determined at the time of submission, and cannot be changed during the editing and revision of the manuscript. If the author of the article belongs to a different unit, institution, department (office), the serial number 1, 2, 3, etc. should be added to the upper right corner of the name, and then the name, address, postal code and country name of each unit should be listed in detail, and give the corresponding information in English.

Author's attribution: Authors should meet the requirements of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE, http://www.icmje.org/). All signed authors should have the following four conditions at the same time: ① make an important contribution to the research idea or design, or obtain, analyze, or interpret data for the research; ② draft a research paper or modify the paper on important intellectual content; ③ finalize the version to be published; ④ agree to take responsibility for all aspects of the research work to ensure that any queries related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the paper are properly investigated and resolved. Those who do not meet all 4 criteria should be thanked at the end of the text. Participation in obtaining funds or general management of the research team should not be included as an author. At least one author must be responsible for each main conclusion of the article. Collectively signed articles must specify the main responsibility of the article; other contributors to the research can be included in the acknowledgment part. If there are foreign authors among the authors, they should obtain their consent and attach a letter of certification.

Authors' responsibilities: The contribution of each author to the article must be indicated when submitting the manuscript. The author should provide the most convenient contact method: telephone, e-mail, fax, correspondence address, etc. If there are more than one author, the corresponding author should be designated and informed of his/her education, title, whether he/she is the supervisor of master's or doctoral degree, and email address. The author should cooperate with the editorial department to review and publish the manuscript.

5 Abstract

Please attach an abstract in both Chinese and English, and the Chinese abstract is limited to 500 words. The English abstract should basically correspond to the Chinese abstract, and may be slightly expanded. The abstract should focus on describing the new and important content of the research or observation. For manuscripts suitable for writing structured abstracts (such as research, case report), the abstract should include four parts: purpose, methods, results, and conclusions. For manuscripts that are not suitable for writing structured abstracts, the abstracts can be written as indicative abstracts, reporting abstracts or reports-indicative abstracts. Except for the fact that it is impossible to adapt, the abstract should not contain figures, tables, chemical structure formulas, references, symbols and abbreviations that are not publicly known.

6 Keywords

Each manuscript should be indexed with 3-8 Chinese and English keywords. Please try to use the words listed in the latest Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of the National Library of Medicine. If there is no corresponding vocabulary in the latest version of MeSH, the processing methods are as follows: ① You can use several directly related topic phrases; ② The most direct upper topic words can be selected according to the tree structure table; ③ If necessary, free words can be used And arranged at the end. The abbreviations in the keywords should be reduced to the full name by MeSH, such as "HBsAg" should be indexed as "hepatitis B surface antigen". Separate keywords with semicolons. The first letter of the first word in English keywords should be capitalized.

7 Chinese Library Classification Number and Document Code

Authors are required to list the Chinese Library Classification Number and Document Code related to the content of the manuscript below the Chinese keywords of the manuscript.

8 List of each level of title in the text

The serial numbers of the first-level titles in the text use 1, 2, 3..., in small 4-point bold; the second-level titles in the text use 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, in 5-point bold; the rest is analogous. The serial number of each level must be in the top left grid, followed by a space after the title.

9 Statistical methods

The name and main methodology of the study design should be communicated as well as the name and version number of the statistical software used. Quantitative information is expressed as ‘X±SD’ for normally distributed data and M(QR) for data that skewed distribute. The specific name of the statistical analysis method used should be written (e.g., t-test for information in a group design, analysis of variance for information in a two-factor analysis, etc.). Statistics (such as t, χ2, F, etc.) and P value should be given specific values, P value is accurate to 3 decimal places, statistics are accurate to 2 decimal places; when P less than 0.000, it should be written P < 0.001 rather than P = 0.000. When two-two comparisons in multiple groups are involved, the method of comparison should be described, and specific test values may not be provided. When overall parameter estimation is involved (e.g. overall mean, overall rate, RR value, OR value, HR value, etc.), 95% confidence intervals are given along with the results of the test of significance, and in principle, the P value can not be used as a substitute for the confidence interval.

10 Chart

The chart should be complementary to the main text, not duplicates. The chart should have a concise title. The table is in a three-line tabular format, with auxiliary lines added if necessary. The vertical and horizontal headings of the table should be rationally arranged. The data in the table should be kept with the same number of decimal places, and the explanatory information should be placed in the notes below the charts, and all abbreviations not commonly known in the charts should be indicated in the notes. The figure should not be too large, the maximum width of the half-column chart should not exceed 7.5 cm, the column chart should not exceed 16.0 cm, and the ratio of height to width should be at about 5:7. The type of graph should match the nature of the data, and the notation of the scale values on the number line should conform to mathematical principles. Photographs are required to have good clarity and contrast. If a portrait is used, the written consent of the person should be obtained, or the part of the portrait that could be identified should be obscured. The scale mark should be in the picture for the photos of the gross specimens, and the staining method and magnification should be indicated for the pathological photos. All images should be submitted as original files, in 300dpi tiff or PDF format, and uploaded in order at the time of submission.

11 Medical terms

Medical terms are subject to the Terminology Online published by the National Scientific and Technical Terms Review Committee (http://www.cnctst.cn/) in 1989. Those who have not yet reviewed and published are subject to English-Chinese Medical Vocabulary compiled by People's Medical Publishing House. Minimize the use of acronyms in the text. When it must be used, the full name should be given at the first occurrence. At the same time, the Chinese abbreviation or the English full name and abbreviations are given in parentheses. It is separated by "," (if the abbreviation is already known, the full English name may not be noted).

12 Unit

Please use the People's Republic of China Legal Measurement Unit promulgated by the State Council in February 1984, and express it with the unit symbol. Note that the unit name and the unit symbol should not be mixed, such as ng· kg-1· day-1 should be changed to ng·kg-1·d-1; when there is more than one diagonal line in the combined unit symbol, it should be expressed in the form of negative powers, for example, ng/kg/min should be expressed in the form of ng·kg-1·min-1; and the slash line and negative power in the combined unit should not be mixed. The symbol of quantity is always in italics, for example, the symbol for absorbance (formerly known as optical density) is A (italics).

13 Number

Implement GB/T 15835-1995 Regulations on the Use of Numbers in Publications. The Gregorian calendar century, year, month, day, time of day, count and measurement all use Arab numbers. When there are more than 3 digits before or after the decimal point, each group of 3 digits will have a space of 1/4 Chinese characters. For example, "1,329.476,5" should be written as "1 329.476 5". However, ordinal numbers are not divided into sections with year, page number, unit number, instrument model, and standard number. For the range and deviation of the percentage, the percentage sign of the previous number cannot be omitted. For example, 5%~95% should not be written as 5~95%, and 50.2%±0.6% should not be written as 50.2±0.6%. Multiply the numerical value with the size unit, and write it in the following way: 4cm×3cm×5cm, not 4×3×5cm3.

14 Statistical symbols

Written in accordance with the relevant regulations of GB 3358-82 Statistical Terms and Symbols, commonly used as follows: ① The arithmetic mean of the sample is in English lowercase m (the median is still M); ② The standard deviation is in English uppercase SD; ③ Standard error Use English lowercase s; ④ T test use English lowercase t; ⑤F test use English uppercase F; ⑥ Chi-square test use Greek lowercase χ2; ⑦ Correlation coefficient use English lowercase r; ⑧ Freedom use Greek lowercase v; ⑨ Probability English capital P (the specific test value should be given before the P value, such as t value, χ2 value, q value, etc.). The above symbols are in italics.

15 Declaration

Ethical statment, author contribution statement, and the data availability statement should be listed between the main text and the references, as below:

Ethical statment

The research content does not involve human beings and/or animals, please specify "Not applicable"; if the research content involves human beings and/or animals, please state "This research has been approved by the Ethics Committee of XXX (name of the specific organisation) (Approval No.: xxxxxx)".

Author contribution

The statement should be made in relation to specific research tasks, such as research aspects (research guidance, research design, research implementation, image analysis, image processing, data analysis), article aspects (literature review, article writing, article revision, article review), and other aspects (funding support), as shown in the example below:

Research design: xxx, xxx, and xxx; experimental operation: xxx, xxx, and xxx; data collection: xxx, xxx, and xxx; data analysis: xxx, xxx, and xxx; paper writing: xxx, xxx, and xxx; paper approval: xxx, xxx, and xxx (the names of the authors should be listed for each section above; relevant sections can also be merged according to the actual situation).

Data availability

Please refer to and select one of the following statement options based on the type of research:

Declaration of interest

If there is no conflict of interest, it should be clearly stated as "Declaration of Interest: All authors declare that there are no conflict of interest"; if there is a conflict of interest, the "New Medicine Disclosure Form" (https://yxkz.whuzhmed.com/article/6389.html) should be completed and uploaded in the submission system.


Please acknowledge anyone who contributed to this article but does not meet the authorship criteria, including those who provided professional writing services or materials. If no one needs to be acknowledged, please state "Not applicable."

16 References

The citation of references should follow the principles of reasonableness, correctness, and sufficient. Avoid omission and blindly citing, and should be relevant to reference citations, measure and scale, and encourage prioritized citation of published documents within the past 5 years.

The bibliographic description of this journal is in accordance with GB/T 7714-2015 Information and Document Bibliography Description Rules, the description format adopts sequential coding system, and the citations in the text are marked with Arabic numbers and square brackets according to the order of appearance. Try to avoid citing abstracts as references. When it is necessary to quote a personal communication, write the name and time of the correspondent in parentheses and insert the corresponding place in the text. The reference list at the end of the article only needs to list the names of the first 3 authors. Use full names for Chinese author names and journal names, and abbreviations for foreign authors’ names and journal names in Index Medicus format. References must be verified by the author and the original text. Examples are as follows:

Journal article

Wang X, Li S, Liu T, et al. Laparoscopic pyelolithotomy compared to percutaneous nephrolithotomy as surgical management for large renal pelvic calculi: a meta-analysis[J]. J Urol, 2013, 190(3): 888-893. DOI: 10.1016/j.juro.2013.02.092.

Group author

Urology Professional Committee of Chinese Research Hospital Association, Urinary Health Promotion Branch of China Medical Care International Exchange Promotion Association, Evidence-based Medicine Branch of China Healthcare International Exchange Promotion Association, et al. Transurethral Plasma Bipolar Resection for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in China Treatment Guidelines (2018 Simplified Edition) [J]. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 2018, 18(6): 543-546. DOI: 10.7507/1672-2531.201804068.


Straus SE, Richardson WS, Paul Glasziou, et al. Evidence-based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM. 3rd Edition [M]. Churchill Livingstone: Edinburgh, 2005: 10-12.

Online resources

ICMJE. Clinical Trials Registration: Which trials registries are acceptable to the ICMJE? [EB/OL]. [cited 2017 Jun 5]. Available from http://www.icmje.org/about-icmje/faqs/clinical-trials-registration/.

17 Supplementary materials

The author can provide corresponding supporting or supplementary materials for the printed manuscript and publish it on the online version of this journal (https://yxxz.whuznhmedj.com/). The content of the supplementary materials includes texts, tables, pictures, videos or sound files that are directly related to the conclusions but cannot be published due to print layout restrictions. Authors should inform the editorial department as soon as possible during the processing of the manuscript of their intention to provide supplementary materials, describe the type and approximate size of the supplementary materials, and briefly explain the reasons for supplementing these materials. The printed version should also be included in the appropriate place (text, chart) mentioned these supplementary materials.During the manuscript processing, the author should inform the editorial department as early as possible of the intention to provide supplementary materials, and describe the type and approximate size of the supplementary materials, briefly explain the reasons for supplementing these materials. The supplementary materials should be mentioned in appropriated place of the printed version as well.

The format for submitting supplementary materials is: ① Text: preferably Microsoft word file (docx format), or plain text or html format. ② Picture: Photoshop (psd), Tagged Image File Format (Tiff), Encapsulated Postscripts (EPS), Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf), Graphical Interchange Format (gif) or JPEG format. ③ Table: preferably a Microsoft Excel file or html table. ④ As long as the movie or sound file can be distributed through the network, the quality and size should be paid attention to. If you need to submit supplementary materials in other formats, please contact the editorial office.

18 Funding articles

Manuscripts funded by the Fund will be published in priority once they are accepted. If the topics involved in the manuscript are funded projects, they should be annotated at the bottom left of the title page, and a copy of the fund certificate should be attached. Examples are as follows:

National Key Research and Development Program Special Fund Project (2016YFC0106300), National Social Science Foundation Youth Project (14CXW036), National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project (81603496), National Health and Family Planning Commission Medical Service Management Guidance Center Commissioned Project (Health Administration Office Letter [2018] No.9).

19 Research registration

Randomized controlled trials need to provide the registration number and website on the WHO-approved primary registration platform or Clinicaltiral.gov (https://clinicaltrials.gov/). For details, please refer to:

Wu L, Tian GX, Wang XH, et al. Clinical trial registration and comparative analysis of registration platforms[J]. Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Cardiovascular Medicine, 2017, 9(2): 129-134. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674 -4055.2017.02.01.

Attached table (standards for common medical research reports):

1. Randomized controlled trial and its derivative design: CONSORT and its expansion board (http://www.consort-statement.org/);

2. Observational research and its derivative design: STROBE and its expansion board (http://www.strobe-statement.org);

3. Diagnostic/prognostic test and its derivative design: STARD and its expansion board (http://www.stard-statement.org/);

4. Case report: CARE (http://www.care-statement.org/);

5. System evaluation and Meta analysis: PRISMA and its expansion board (http://www.prisma-statement.org/);

6. Animal experiment: ARRIVE (http://www.nc3rs.org.uk/arrive-guidelines);

7. Clinical practice guidelines: RIGHT (http://www.right-statement.org/);

8. Research plan: SPRIT (http://www.spirit-statement.org/);

9. Other medical report specifications for different types of research can be reference on the EQUATOR website (http://www.equator-network.org/).