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Investigation of physiological hygiene cognition and behavior status of female college students in Wuhan

Published on Dec. 25, 2022Total Views: 4080 timesTotal Downloads: 1543 timesDownloadMobile

Author: Yan ZHANG Sheng-Lan ZHOU Zhi YAN Tao WANG Tian-Tian Du Xiao-Ying CHEN Meng-Qi CHEN Chen-Chang XIAO

Affiliation: School of Medicine, Wuhan City College, Wuhan 430000, China

Keywords: Female college students Physiological hygiene and health Cognition Behavior Demand

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-5511.202204012

Reference: Zhang Y, Zhou SL, Yan Z, Du TT, Chen XY, Chen MQ, Xiao CC. Investigation of physiological hygiene cognition and behavior status of female college students in Wuhan[J]. Yixue XinZhi Zazhi, 2022, 32(6): 441-446. DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-5511.202204012[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To explore and improve the physiological and health education practices of female college students in Wuhan by investigating their physiological and health cognition and behavior. 

Method  A self-designed questionnaire was administered in 10 colleges and universities in Wuhan to investigate the physiological hygiene and health status, the cognition about physiological health, sexual concept, sexual behav-ior, and knowledge needs of female college students and to compare the differences between new and old stu-dents in these five aspects. 

Result  A total of 3,076 effective questionnaires were collected, including 1,256 freshmen (40.83%) and 1,820 senior students (59.17%). The survey showed that  senior college students did better than freshmen in terms of wiping each time after urination (81.76% vs. 39.17%, P<0.001), washing their underwear separately (97.58% vs. 49.36%, P<0.001), physiological and health cognition score (23.07±6.46 vs. 20.28±6.22, P<0.001), and receiving formal sex education (36.04% vs. 30.57%, P=0.002). There was no significant difference in sexual concept. Both of them agreed that they had a need for physiological and health education. 

Conclusion  Freshmen and senior college students have poor behavior habits, cognition and concepts of physi-ological and hygiene health. It is necessary for universities and society to strengthen the physiological and health knowledge education of female college students in order to promote their physical and mental health development.

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