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Current status and correlation of disease perception, self-transcendence and resilience in young and middle-aged patients with cerebral hemorrhage

Published on Dec. 17, 2024Total Views: 530 timesTotal Downloads: 156 timesDownloadMobile

Author: CHONG Ke SHI Yuan NIU Yuan LIU Liqin

Affiliation: Department of Neurosurgery, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Medical University, Xi'an 710038, China

Keywords: Cerebral hemorrhage Young and middle-aged youth Illness perception Self-transcendence Resilience Correlation Prognosis

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-5511.202401103

Reference: Chong K, Shi Y, Niu Y, Liu LQ. Current status and correlation of disease perception, self-transcendence and resilience in young and middle-aged patients with cerebral hemorrhage[J]. Yixue Xinzhi Zazhi, 2024, 34(11): 1220-1226. DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-5511.202401103. [Article in Chinese]

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Objective  Understanding the current status of disease perception, self-transcendence, and resilience levels in young and middle-aged patients with cerebral hemorrhage and their relationship to short-term prognosis.

Methods  General data of young and middle-aged cerebral hemorrhage patients admitted to the Department of Neurosurgery of the Second Affiliated Hospital of the Air Force Medical University from April 2020 to April 2023, were colected and the patients' disease perception, self- transcendence, and resilience levels were evaluated relevant questionnaires. Pearson correlation analysis was analyzed to explore the correlation among the three scores and multivariate Logistic regression analysis was performed to explore the risk factors for patients' short-term prognosis.

Results  A total of 142 young and middle-aged patients with cerebral hemorrhage were included, including 32 cases in the poor prognosis group and 110 cases in the good prognosis group. Positive perceptions of illness were positively correlated with self-transcendence (r=0.461) and resilience (r=0.449); negative perceptions of illness were negatively correlated with self-transcendence (r=-0.513) and resilience (r=-0.482); and self-transcendence was positively correlated with resilience (r=0.558). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that irregular hematoma morphology [OR=2.065, 95%CI(1.750, 2.379)], high disease negative perception score [OR=2.230, 95%CI(1.902, 2.558)], low self-transcendence score [OR=2.423, 95%CI(1.954, 2.892)], low resilience score [OR=2.018, 95%CI(1.452, 2.584)], high level interleukin-6 [OR=2.044, 95%CI(1.701, 2.387)], high level ferritin [OR=2.081, 95%CI(1.635, 2.528)] were risk factors for short-term prognosis in young and middle-aged patients with cerebral hemorrhage (P<0.05), high disease postive perception score [OR=0.728, 95%CI(0.527, 0.928)] was protective factor.

Conclusion  Young and middle- aged patients with cerebral hemorrhage tended to have negative disease perceptions and lower levels of self- transcendence and resilience. Disease perceptions, self-transcendence, and resilience levels were bivariate correlations, and they were correlated with patients' short-term prognosis.

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