The novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) outbreak in December 2019 has attracted wide atten-tion all over the world. To effectively prevent and cure it has become a major issue facing the world. The formula-tion of prevention and control plans and guidelines for major infectious diseases plays an important role in the scientific prevention and control of epidemics, the popularization of public knowledge, and the assistance of pro-fessionals in the efficient prevention and control of epidemics. This briefing is based on the World Health Organi-zation (WHO), the largest intergovernmental health organization in the world, to search, extract, analyze and integrate the prevention and control measures of major infectious diseases. At last, it is explained from the WHO level, international level, national and personal level, and involving trade tourism, international exchanges, gov-ernment organization measures, personal health, etc., aiming to supplement the existing WHO’s guidelines for the response of health organizations to major infectious diseases.
HomeArticlesVol 30,2020 No.2Detail
A brief report on the social comprehensive prevention and treatment of 2019 novel coro-navirus pneumonia (NCP): WHO's briefing on prevention and control of major infectious diseases
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- References
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