首页在线期刊2020年 第30卷,第3期详情
- 摘要|Abstract
- 全文|Full-text
- 参考文献|References
新型冠状病毒肺炎(Coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)是一种由新型冠状病毒(Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2,SARS-CoV-2)引起的急性传染病,主要经飞沫和接触传播,人群普遍易感[1]。截至2020年4月26日10时(中欧夏季时间),全球共计确诊2 804 796位患者,死亡193 710人[2]。疫情的爆发对全球医疗及公共卫生提出了严峻的挑战,如何对患者进行科学合理诊治是全球卫生保健人员面临的共同问题。
疫情爆发之初,本团队遵照世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)针对紧急公共卫生事件的快速风险评估手册提供的快速建议指南(Rapid Advice Guidelines)方法学制订了《新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)感染的肺炎诊疗快速建议指南》,考虑到当时超过90%病例均出现在中国、且需要及时向全球分享疫情资料,故以中文标准版、完整版及英文版分别发布于《解放军医学杂志》、《医学新知》和Military Medical Research[3-5]。
1 指南制定过程与方法
1.1 指南制定方法学(Guideline methodology)
根据美国医学科学院(Institution of Medicine,IOM)最新指南定义,并以WHO在2014年发表的最新版本指南制定手册为指导[6-7]。
1.2 指南的目标用户(Target users)
1.3 指南的目标人群(Target population)
1.4 利益冲突调查与声明(Conflict of interest policy)
1.5 临床问题和结局指标的遴选与确定(Questions and outcomes generation)
结局指标按照其重要性分为关键结局指标(critical outcome)、重要(important outcome)和非重要结局指标(non-important outcome)三类。
对于治疗问题,指南优先考虑的关键结局是:死亡率(mortality)、重症转化率(critical conversion rate)、转入重症监护病房的发生率或时间(incidence rate or time of intensive care unit admission)及序贯器官功能衰竭评估(sequential organ failure assessment,SOFA)。重要的结局指标是:氧合指数(oxygenation index)、氧合血红蛋白饱和度(oxyhemoglobin saturation)、病毒核酸测试转变为阴性的时间/率(time/rate of novel coronavirus nucleic acid test becoming negative)、胸部或肺部成像改善或病变吸收时间或率(chest or lung imaging improvement or lesion absorption time or ratio)、临床改善时间(time to clinical improvement)、临床治愈时间或率(clinical cure time or rate)、肺炎严重程度指数(pneumonia severity index)、体温/体温恢复正常的时间(body temperature/time for body temperature to return to normal)、住院时间(duration of hospital stay)、机械通气的使用率或时间(incidence rate or time of mechanical ventilation)、病毒载量(viral load)。
对于诊断问题,诊断准确性研究的重要结局指标为:灵敏度(sensitivity)、特异度(specificity)和曲线下的面积(area under the curve,AUC)。
1.6 证据的检索、合成与评价(Evidence searching, review and assessment)
1.6.1 检索资源及策略
包括5个方面,见表1。(1)数据库检索,包括The Cochrane Library、PubMed、Embase、Web of science、中国知网、万方数据库。(2)热门发表期刊检索,包括The New England Journal of Medicine、The Lancet、 JAMA等。(3) bioRxiv等预印平台。(4)指南发布网站,包括英国国家临床优化研究所(National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence,NICE)、苏格兰院际指南网络(Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network,SIGN)、WHO官网(https://www.who.int/)和中国国家卫生健康委员会官网(http://www.nhc.gov.cn/)。(5)专业学会网站,包括欧洲呼吸学会(European Respiratory Society,https://www.ersnet.org/)、美国胸科学会(American Thoracic Society,https://www.thoracic.org/)。详细检索策略见附录2。
表1 检索杂志或平台列表
1.6.2 检索时限检索
1.6.3 检索文献类型
优先选择系统评价、Meta分析与临床研究。当临床问题并没有高质量系统评价或Meta分析支持时,诊断性临床问题首选诊断性试验研究,干预性临床问题首选随机对照试验(randomized controlled trial,RCT)、观察性研究或系列病例报告。
1.6.4 证据的评价
依据相应文献的国际评价标准[8],如RCT采用ROB 2.0;诊断准确性研究采用QUADAS-2;非随机干预性研究采用ROBINS-I进行文献质量评价。为保证研究的质量,证据研究过程中的文献筛选、质量评价、文献资料提取等工作需两个工作人员分别独立完成后核对、汇总。
1.7 证据与推荐意见分级标准(Grading of evidence and recommendation)
表2 证据质量与推荐强度分级的定义
1.8 推荐意见的形成(Development of recommendation)
表3 推荐强度的决定因素
1.9 指南制定委员会(Composition of the guideline development group)
2 指南的更新计划(Updating plan)
1.Wang YY, Jin YH, Ren XQ, et al. Updating the diagnostic criteria of COVID-19 "suspected case" and "confirmed case" is necessary[J]. Mil Med Res, 2020, 7(1):17. DOI: 10.1186/s40779-020-00245-9.
2.WHO. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report-97[EB/OL]. (2020-04-27)[Assess on 2020-04-27]. https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situation-reports/20200426-sitrep-97-covid-19.pdf?sfvrsn=d1c3e800_6.
3.靳英辉, 蔡林, 程真顺, 等. 新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)感染的肺炎诊疗快速建议指南(完整版)[J]. 医学新知, 2020, 30(1): 35-64. DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-5511.2020.01.09. [Jin YH, Cai L, Cheng ZS, Cheng H, et al. A rapid advice guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infected pneumonia (Full version[J]. New Medicine, 2020, 30(1): 35-65.]
4.靳英辉, 蔡林, 程真顺, 等. 新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)感染的肺炎诊疗快速建议指南(标准版)[J]. 解放军医学杂志, 2020, 45(1):1-20. DOI: 10.11855/j.issn.0577-7402.2020.01.01. [Jin YH, Cai L, Cheng ZS, et al. A rapid advice guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infected pneumonia (Standard version)[J]. Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Liberation Army, 2020, 45(1):1-20.]
5.Jin YH, Cai L, Cheng ZS, et al. A rapid advice guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infected pneumonia (standard version)[J]. Mil Med Res, 2020, 7(1):4. DOI: 10.1186/s40779-020-0233-6.
6.World Health Organization. WHO handbook for guideline development, 2nd ed[EB/OL]. (2014-12-18)[2020-04-27]. https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/EB/OL10665/145714.
7.Institute of Medicine. Clinical Practice Guidelines We Can Trust[M]. Washington, DC: National Academy Press: Institute of Medicine, 2013.
8.Ma LL, Wang YY, Yang ZH, et al. Methodo logical quality (risk of bias) assessment tools for primary and secondary medical studies: what are they and which is better?[J]. Mil Med Res, 2020, 7(1): 7. DOI: 10.1186/s40779-020-00238-8.
9.Holger S, Jan B, Gordon G, et al. GRADE Handbook[EB/OL]. (2013-10)[Assess on 2020-03-10]. https://gdt.gradepro.org/app/handbook/handbook.html.
10.Guyatt G, Oxman AD, Akl EA, et al. GRADE guidelines: 1. Introduction-GRADE evidence profiles and summary of findings tables[J]. J Clin Epidemiol, 2011, 64(4): 383-94. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2010.04.026.
11.Alonso-Coello P, Schünemann HJ, Moberg J, et al. GRADE Evidence to Decision (EtD) frameworks: a systematic and transparent approach to making well informed healthcare choices. 1: Introduction[J]. BMJ, 2016, 353:i2016. DOI: 10.1136/bmj.i2016.
附录1 指南结构及临床问题
Appendix 1 Structure of guideline and clinical questions
一、药物预防(Prophylactic drug treatments)
(1) 哪些药物可以进行普通人群COVID-19的预防以减少SARS-CoV-2的感染?(Which kind of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) agents can prevent COVID-19 in pre-exposure population to reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection?)
(2) 哪些中医药(Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM)疗法可以进行普通人群COVID-19的预防以减少SARS-CoV-2的感染?(Which kind of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) agents can prevent COVID-19 in pre-exposure population to reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection?)
(3) 哪些药物可以进行接触或照顾COVID-19确诊患者后的预防以减少SARS-CoV-2的感染?(Which kind of agents can prevent COVID-19 in post-exposure population (who contacted or took care of patients with COVID-19) to reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection?)
(4) 哪些中医药(Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM)疗法可以进行接触或护理COVID-19确诊患者后的预防以减少SARS-CoV-2的感染?(Which kind of TCM agents can prevent COVID-19 in post-exposure population (who contacted or took care of patients with COVID-19) to reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection?)
(1) COVID-19病人的临床表现有哪些?(What are the clinical manifestations of COVID-19 patients?)
(2) 实验室检测结果在COVID-19诊断与预后的价值如何?(What is the value of hematological testing in the diagnosis and prognosis of COVID-19?)
(3) 进行呼吸道核酸检测的时,下呼吸道检测相比上呼吸道检测是不是有更高的阳性检测率?(Is there a higher positive detection rate in lower respiratory tract specimens than that in upper respiratory tract specimens when performing reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)?)
(4) 除RT-PCR外,IgM和IgG抗体检测可以用来诊断COVID-19?(Should IgM and IgG antibody test be used for the diagnosis of COVID-19 in addition to RT-PCR?)
(5) 是不是CT检测可以作为核酸检测的重要补充?(Should chest computed tomography (CT) be an important supplement to nucleic acid test?)
(6) COVID-19病人CT影像学特征是什么?(What are the CT imaging manifestations of COVID-19 patients?)
(7) COVID-19无症状感染者的CT影像学表现有哪些?(What are the CT features of asymptomatic infections with COVID-19?)
1 抗病毒药物治疗(Antiviral therapy)
(1)洛匹那韦/利托那韦治疗COVID-19是否可以改善患者的临床结局?(Should lopinavir-ritonavir be used to treat patients with COVID-19 to improve clinical outcomes?)
(2)阿比多尔治疗COVID-19是否可以改善患者的临床结局?(Should arbidol be used to treat patients with COVID-19 to improve clinical outcomes?)
(3)法匹拉韦治疗COVID-19是否可以改善患者的临床结局?(Should favipiravir be used to treat patients with COVID-19 to improve clinical outcomes?)
(4)瑞德西韦治疗COVID-19是否可以改善患者的临床结局?(Should remdesivir be used to treat COVID-19 patients to improve clinical outcomes?)
(5)羟氯喹或氯喹治疗COVID-19是否可以改善患者的临床结局?(Should hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) be used to treat COVID-19 patients to improve clinical outcomes?)
(6) 干扰素治疗COVID-19 是否可以改善患者的临床结局?(Should interferon be used to treat patients with COVID-19 to improve clinical outcomes?)
(7)抗病毒药物联合治疗COVID-19是否可以改善患者的临床结局?(Could a combination of antiviral drugs be used to treat patients with COVID-19 to improve clinical outcomes?)
2 免疫治疗(Immunomodulatory therapy)
(1)白介素-6抑制剂治疗COVID-19是否可以改善患者的临床结局?(Should Interleukin-6 inhibitors be used to treat COVID-19 patients to improve clinical outcomes?)
(2)白介素-1抑制剂治疗COVID-19是否可以改善患者的临床结局?(Should Interleukin-1 inhibitors be used to treat COVID-19 patients to improve clinical outcomes?)
3 TCM疗法(TCM treatment)
(1)清肺排毒汤治疗COVID-19是否可以改善患者的临床结局?(Should Qingfei Paidu Decoction (TCM) be used to treat patients with COVID-19 to improve clinical outcomes?)
(2)连花清瘟胶囊治疗COVID-19是否可以改善患者的临床结局?(Should Lianhua Qingwen Granules/Capsules (TCM) be used to treat patients with COVID-19 to improve clinical outcomes?)
4 重症及危重症病人治疗(Treatment for severe and critical cases)
(1)糖皮质激素治疗COVID-19是否可以改善患者的临床结局?(Should glucocorticoid be used to treat COVID-19 patients to improve clinical outcomes?)
(2)血液净化治疗重型、危重型COVID-19患者是否可以改善患者的临床结局?(Should blood purification be used to treat COVID-19 patients to improve clinical outcomes?)
(3)康复者血浆治疗COVID-19是否可以改善患者的临床结局?(Should convalescent plasma be used to treat COVID-19 patients to improve clinical outcomes?)
(4)肺移植治疗晚期阶段的重症及危重症患者是否可以改善患者的临床结局?(Should lung transplantation be used to treat COVID-19 patients in end-stage patients to improve clinical outcomes?)
(5)有创通气与无创通气的选用指征是什么?(What are the indications for COVID-19 patients to use invasive or noninvasive ventilation?)
(6)ECMO使用的适应证是什么?(What are the indications for COVID-19 patients to use extracorporeal membrane oxygenation?)
(1) COVID-19病人的出院标准如何设定?(What are the discharge criteria for COVID-19 patients?)
(2) 出院后RT-PCR监测如何进行?(Is the RT-PCR test needed to monitor COVID-19 patient after discharge?)
(3) 出院复阳患者的影像学表现如何?(What are the imaging findings of patients where RT-PCR shows positive recovery from COVID-19?)
(4) 出院复阳患者如何进行管理?(What is the management plan in patients whose RT-PCR shows SARS-CoV-2 positive after discharge?)
附录2 文献检索策略
Appendix 2 Literature retrieval strategy
1 诊断部分
1.1 临床表现
#1 "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2"[Supplementary Concept] OR COVID-19[Supplementary Concept]
#2 "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2"[Title/Abstract] OR SARS-COV-2[Title/Abstract] OR COVID-19[Title/Abstract] OR COVID19[Title/Abstract] OR "The 2019 coronavirus"[Title/Abstract] OR "2019 coronavirus"[Title/Abstract] OR "2019 novel coronavirus"[Title/Abstract] OR 2019-nCoV[Title/Abstract] OR "Novel coronavirus pneumonia"[Title/Abstract] OR NCP[Title/Abstract] OR "coronavirus disease"[Title/Abstract] OR "coronavirus disease-19"[Title/Abstract] OR "coronavirus disease 2019"[Title/Abstract] OR "Corona Virus Disease 2019"[Title/Abstract] OR HCoV-19[Title/Abstract] OR SARS2[Title/Abstract]
#3 #1 OR #2
#4 "Signs and Symptoms"[MeSH Terms] OR Fever[MeSH Terms] OR Cough[MeSH Terms] OR Fatigue[MeSH Terms] OR Dyspnea[MeSH Terms] OR Myalgia[MeSH Terms]
#5 "Signs and Symptoms"[Title/Abstract] OR Fever[Title/Abstract] OR "muscle pain"[Title/Abstract] OR Cough[Title/Abstract] OR Fatigue[Title/Abstract] OR Dyspnea[Title/Abstract] OR Myalgia[Title/Abstract] OR "clinical manifestation"[Title/Abstract] OR "clinical manifestations"[Title/Abstract] OR "clinical feature"[Title/Abstract] OR "clinical features"[Title/Abstract] OR "clinical characteristics"[Title/Abstract] OR "clinical symptoms"[Title/Abstract] OR "clinical characters"[Title/Abstract] OR "clinical character"[Title/Abstract] OR "clinical finding"[Title/Abstract] OR "clinical findings"[Title/Abstract] OR "clinical presentation"[Title/Abstract] OR "clinical presentations"[Title/Abstract] OR "clinical signs"[Title/Abstract] OR "difficult breathing"[Title/Abstract] OR "muscular soreness"[Title/Abstract] OR anhelation[Title/Abstract] OR "muscle aches"[Title/Abstract] OR "muscle pain"[Title/Abstract]
#6 #4 OR #5
#7 #3 AND #6
1.2 影像学检查
#1 #2 同上
#3 #1 OR #2
#4 "diagnostic imaging"[MeSH Terms] OR "Tomography, X-Ray Computed"[MeSH Terms] OR "Computed Tomography"[MeSH Terms]
#5 "imaging examination"[Title/Abstract] OR "imaging examinations"[Title/Abstract] OR "radiological imaging"[Title/Abstract] OR "radiological imagings"[Title/Abstract] OR "imaging procedure"[Title/Abstract] OR "imaging procedures"[Title/Abstract] OR "imaging finding"[Title/Abstract] OR "imaging findings"[Title/Abstract] OR "diagnostic imaging"[Title/Abstract] OR "diagnostic imaging"[Title/Abstract] OR "CT"[Title/Abstract] OR "Computed Tomography"[Title/Abstract] OR "computer assisted tomography"[Title/Abstract] OR "radiological finding"[Title/Abstract] OR "radiological findings"[Title/Abstract] OR "X ray"[Title/Abstract] OR " X-Ray"[Title/Abstract] OR "chest fluoroscopy"[Title/Abstract]
#6 #4 OR #5
#7 #3 AND #6
1.3 实验室检测
#1 #2 同上
#3 #1 OR #2
#4 "Clinical Laboratory Techniques"[MeSH Terms] OR "Immunoglobulin M"[MeSH Terms] OR "Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction"[MeSH Terms] OR "Immunoglobulin G"[MeSH Terms]
#5 "laboratory"[Title/Abstract] OR "lab"[Title/Abstract] OR "Immunoglobulin M"[Title/Abstract] OR "Immunoglobulin G"[Title/Abstract] OR "Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction"[Title/Abstract] OR "leukocyte count"[Title/Abstract] OR "lymphocyte count"[Title/Abstract] OR "platelet count"[Title/Abstract] OR "prothrombin time"[Title/Abstract] OR sodium[Title/Abstract] OR "lactate dehydrogenases"[Title/Abstract] OR "C-reactive protein"[Title/Abstract] OR CRP[Title/Abstract] OR IgM[Title/Abstract] OR IgG[Title/Abstract] OR "white blood cell count"[Title/Abstract] OR WBC[Title/Abstract] OR ALT[Title/Abstract] OR "neutrophil count"[Title/Abstract] OR D-dimer[Title/Abstract] OR "alanine aminotransferase"[Title/Abstract] OR "aspartate aminotransferase"[Title/Abstract] OR AST[Title/Abstract] OR potassium[Title/Abstract] OR creatinine[Title/Abstract] OR Cr[Title/Abstract] OR procalcitonin[Title/Abstract] OR PCT[Title/Abstract] OR "polymerase chain reaction"[Title/Abstract] OR PCR[Title/Abstract] OR "reverse transcriptase PCR"[Title/Abstract] OR "transcriptase PCR"[Title/Abstract] OR RT-PCR[Title/Abstract]
#6 #4 OR #5
#7 #3 AND #6
2 治疗部分
2.1 免疫治疗
#1 #2 同上
#3 #1 OR #2
#4 immunotherapy[MeSH Terms] OR "Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist Protein"[MeSH Terms] OR tocilizumab[Supplementary Concept] OR sarilumab[Supplementary Concept] OR siltuximab[Supplementary Concept]
#5 immunotherapy[Title/Abstract] OR "monoclonal antibod*"[Title/Abstract] OR "monoclonal antibod*"[Title/Abstract] OR "Interleukin-1 Inhibitor"[Title/Abstract] OR "IL1 Febrile Inhibitor"[Title/Abstract] OR "IL-1 Inhibitor"[Title/Abstract] OR IL-1Ra[Title/Abstract] OR Anakinra[Title/Abstract] OR Kineret[Title/Abstract] OR Antril[Title/Abstract] OR "IFNγ-blocking antibody"[Title/Abstract] OR "Interleukin-6 Inhibitor"[Title/Abstract] OR IL-6R[Title/Abstract] OR tocilizumab[Title/Abstract] OR atlizumab[Title/Abstract] OR Actemra[Title/Abstract] OR roactemra[Title/Abstract] OR sarilumab[Title/Abstract] OR Kevzara[Title/Abstract] OR siltuximab[Title/Abstract] OR Sylvant[Title/Abstract] OR "monoclonal antibody CNTO328"[Title/Abstract] OR meplazumab[Title/Abstract]
#6 #4 OR #5
#7 #3 AND #6
2.2 激素治疗
#1 #2 同上
#3 #1 OR #2
#4 glucocorticoids[MeSH Terms] OR Methylprednisolone[MeSH Terms] OR Dexamethasone[MeSH Terms] OR Hydrocortisone[MeSH Terms] OR ciclesonide[Supplementary Concept]
#5 Glucocorticoid[Title/Abstract] OR "Glucocorticoid Effect"[Title/Abstract] OR Corticosteroid [Title/Abstract] OR Methylprednisolone[Title/Abstract] OR Urbason[Title/Abstract] OR Medrol[Title/Abstract] OR Dexamethasone[Title/Abstract] OR Methylfluorprednisolone[Title/Abstract] OR Hydrocortisone[Title/Abstract] OR Cortisol[Title/Abstract] OR "Glucorticoid Effects"[Title/Abstract] OR "Effects, Glucorticoid"[Title/Abstract] OR Ciclesonide[Title/Abstract] OR Alvesco[Title/Abstract] OR Omnaris[Title/Abstract]
#6 #4 OR #5
#7 #3 AND #6
2.3 抗病毒治疗
#1 #2 同上
#3 #1 OR #2
#4 "Antiviral Agents"[MeSH Terms] OR arbidol[Supplementary Concept] OR "lopinavir-ritonavir drug combination"[MeSH Terms] OR remdesivir[Supplementary Concept] OR favipiravir[Supplementary Concept] OR "Interferon beta-1b"[MeSH Terms] OR Interferons[MeSH Terms] OR "Interferon Type I"[MeSH Terms] OR "Interferon-beta"[MeSH Terms] OR "Interferon-alpha"[MeSH Terms] OR "Interferon-gamma"[MeSH Terms] OR "Interferon alpha-2"[MeSH Terms]
#5 Lopinavir[Title/Abstract] OR Ritonavir[Title/Abstract] OR "lopinavir-ritonavir drug combination"[Title/Abstract] OR arbidol[Title/Abstract] OR arbidole[Title/Abstract] OR remdesivir[Title/Abstract] OR GS-5734[Title/Abstract] OR favipiravir[Title/Abstract] OR avigan[Title/Abstract] OR "Interferon Type I"[Title/Abstract] OR Interferon[Title/Abstract] OR "Interferon-beta"[Title/Abstract] OR "Interferon-alpha"[Title/Abstract] OR "Interferon-gamma"[Title/Abstract] OR "Interferon alpha-2"[Title/Abstract] OR "Interferon beta-1b"[Title/Abstract] OR "antiviral agents"[Title/Abstract] OR "antiviral agent"[Title/Abstract] OR "antiviral drug"[Title/Abstract] OR "antiviral drugs"[Title/Abstract]
#6 #4 OR #5
#7 #3 AND #6
2.4 其他可能的特异性药物-磷酸氯喹/羟氯喹
#1 #2 同上
#3 #1 OR #2
#4 Chloroquine OR Aralen OR hydroxychloroquine OR chloroquine phosphate
#5 #3 AND #4
2.5 传统中药疗法
#1 #2 同上
#3 #1 OR #2
#4 "Medicine, Chinese Traditional"[MeSH Terms]
#5 "Qingfei Paidu Decoction"[Title/Abstract] OR TCM[Title/Abstract] OR "Qingfei Paidu Soup"[Title/Abstract] OR "Lianhua Qingwen Capsule"[Title/Abstract] OR "Chinese medicine soup"[Title/Abstract] OR "Traditional Chinese Medicine"[Title/Abstract] OR "the combination of Chinese and Western medicine"[Title/Abstract] OR "Chinese patent medicine"[Title/Abstract] OR "Chinese medicine decoction"[Title/Abstract] OR "Medicine, ChineseTraditional"[Title/Abstract] OR "Chinese Medicine"[Title/Abstract] OR "Chinese medicine preparation"[Title/Abstract] OR "Chinese medicine injection"[Title/Abstract]
#6 #4 OR #5
#7 #3 AND #6
3 重症病人治疗
3.1 血液净化治疗
#1 #2 同上
#3 #1 OR #2
#4 hemoperfusion[MeSHTerms]
#5 hemofiltration[Title/Abstract] OR hemodialysis[Title/Abstract] OR "blood purification"[Title/Abstract] OR hemoperfusion[Title/Abstract]
#6 #4 OR #5
#7 #3 AND #6
3.2 治愈者血浆治疗
#1 #2 同上
#3 #1 OR #2
#4 "Convalescent plasma"[Title/Abstract] OR "plasma from survivors"[Title/Abstract] OR "plasma therapy"[Title/Abstract]
#5 #3 AND #4
3.3 有创通气与无创通气的选用指征
#1 #2 同上
#3 #1 OR #2
#4 "Noninvasive Ventilation"[MeSH Terms] OR "Intermittent Positive-Pressure Ventilation"[MeSH Terms]
#5 NIV[Title/Abstract] OR NPPV[Title/Abstract] OR CPAP[Title/Abstract] OR BiPAP[Title/Abstract] OR PSV[Title/Abstract] OR IPPV[Title/Abstract] OR "invasive ventilation"[Title/Abstract] OR "Noninvasive Ventilation"[Title/Abstract] OR "Inspiratory Positive Pressure Ventilation"[Title/Abstract]
#6 #4 OR #5
#7 #3 AND #6
3.4 ECMO的使用及撤机指征
#1 #2 同上
#3 #1 OR #2
#4 "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation"[MeSH Terms]
#5 ECMO OR ECLS OR "extracorporeal life support" OR "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation"
#6 #4 OR #5
#7 #3 AND #6
3.5 肺移植
#1 #2 同上
#3 #1 OR #2
#4 "Lung Transplantation"[Mesh]
#5 Lung Transplantation[Title/Abstract]
#6 # 4 OR #5
#7 #3 AND #6
4 出院标准及出院后管理
#1 #2 同上
#3 #1 OR #2
#4 "Patient Discharge"[MeSH Terms]
#5 discharge OR discharged
#6 #4 OR #5
#7 #3 AND #6
#1 #2 同上
#3 #1 OR #2
#4 "Guidelines as Topic"[MeSH Terms] OR "Guidelines as Topics"[Title/Abstract] OR "Practice Guidelines as Topic"[MeSH Terms] OR Guideline[Publication Type] OR "Health Planning Guidelines"[MeSH Terms] OR "Practice Guideline"[Publication Type] OR Consensus[MeSH Terms]
#5 guideline*[Title/Abstract] OR guidance*[Title/Abstract] OR recommendation*[Title/Abstract] OR "Practice Guidelines"[Title/Abstract] OR CPG*[Title/Abstract] OR consensus[Title/Abstract]
#6 #4 OR #5
#7 #3 AND #6
#1 #2 同上
#3 #1 OR #2
#4 "meta-analysis as topic"[MeSH Terms] OR "meta-analysis"[Publication Type] OR "systematic reviews as topic"[MeSH Terms] OR "systematic review"[Publication Type]
#5 "meta-analysis"[Title/Abstract] OR "meta-analyses"[Title/Abstract] OR "systematic review"[Title/Abstract] OR "systematic reviews"[Title/Abstract] OR " systematic review and meta-analysis"[Title/Abstract]
#6 #4 OR #5
#7 #3 AND #6
附录3 利益冲突调查表
Appendix 3 Conflict of interest questionnaire
● 所有指南指导委员会、指南共识专家组、指南制定工作组和指南外审组的专家必须声明所有潜在的利益冲突(如:所有影响或可能影响专家客观性和独立性的利益)。
● 您必须在这张利益声明表上声明所有和本部指南主题相关的任何商业的、专业的或其他方面的利益冲突,和所有可能被本部指南成果影响的利益。