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Satisfaction survey of standardized residency training for clinical medicine professional postgraduates in Xinjiang region: based on latent profile analysis

Published on Jun. 29, 2024Total Views: 1547 timesTotal Downloads: 525 timesDownloadMobile

Author: WEN Baofeng LAZIBIEKE Jiayina WANG Jun'an CAO Mingqin

Affiliation: School of Public Health, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830011, China

Keywords: Medical educational synergy Clinical medicine Professional postgraduates Standardized residency training Satisfaction Latent profile analysis

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-5511.202404086

Reference: Wen BF, Lazibieke JYN, Wang JA, Cao MQ. Satisfaction survey of standardized residency training for clinical medicine professional postgraduates in Xinjiang region: based on latent profile analysis[J]. Yixue Xinzhi Zazhi, 2024, 34(6): 717-724. DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-5511.202404086.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To understand the current satisfaction status and analyze the influencing factors of standardized residency training for clinical medicine professional postgraduates in Xinjiang region.

Methods  A stratified random sampling method was used to select clinical professional master's students studying in 9 standardized training hospitals in Xinjiang from March to June 2023 as research subjects, and a questionnaire on residency satisfaction was used for investigation. Latent profile analysis was employed to explore the heterogeneity of satisfaction scores among students, and ordered Logistic regression analysis was used to examine the influencing factors of latent categories.

Results  1,404 clinical professional master's student were included. The overall average score of satisfaction with residency training among clinical professional master's students was (3.79±0.77) points. Latent profile analysis indicated that satisfaction with residency training among clinical professional master's students could be divided into three latent categories: low satisfaction (26.71%), moderate satisfaction (48.43%), and high satisfaction (24.86%). Ordered Logistic regression showed that students with moderate pressure [OR=1.808, 95%CI(1.446, 2.259)] or low pressure [OR=4.229, 95%CI(2.861, 6.259)], those who believed that the program was helpful for employment [OR=1.627, 95%CI(1.102, 2.401)], those with strong abilities in applying theory to work [OR=2.936, 95%CI(1.432, 6.025)], and students with moderate acceptance [OR=1.853, 95%CI(1.255, 2.737)] or high acceptance [OR=4.108, 95%CI(2.793, 6.050)] of the training orientation were more likely to belong to a potential category with higher satisfaction with residency training.

Conclusion  The satisfaction of clinical professional master's students in residency training in Xinjiang is at moderate level. It is recommended to analyze the sources of stress and implement corresponding measures to alleviate it. In terms of training content, there should be a greater emphasis on cultivating the ability to translate clinical knowledge. By understanding the employment intentions of the students and developing personalized training plans, the satisfaction of clinical professional master's students in residency training can be enhanced.

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