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Efficacy and safety of early anticoagulation in patients with acute ischemic stroke due to atrial fibrillation: a Meta-analysis

Published on Jul. 28, 2023Total Views: 1889 timesTotal Downloads: 905 timesDownloadMobile

Author: WANG Yunxiang 1, 2 QI Xuhui 3 CAI Huanhuan 1, 2 LU Zhibing 1, 2

Affiliation: 1. Department of Cardiology, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, China 2. Institute of Myocardial Injury and Repair, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, China 3. Department of Gastroenterology, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, China

Keywords: Atrial fibrillation Acute ischemic stroke New oral anticoagulants Meta-analysis Early

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-5511.202302010

Reference: Wang YX, Qi XH, Cai HH, Lu ZB. Efficacy and safety of early anticoagulation in patients with acute ischemic stroke due to atrial fibrillation: a Meta-analysis[J]. Yixue Xinzhi Zazhi, 2024, 34(2): 157-167. DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-5511.202302010.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To evaluate the efficacy and safety of early use of new oral anticoagulants (≤3 days) in patients with acute ischemic stroke(AIS) due to atrial fibrillation (AF).

Method  After systematic retrieval of CNKI, WanFang Data, VIP, PubMed, The Cochrane Library and Embase database, clinical studies on early anticoagulation therapy for AF-related AIS patients were screened. The search was conducted from the time of database construction to November 4, 2022, while the references were searched manually. Literature screening, data extraction and quality assessment were performed independently by 2 investigators. Meta-analysis was performed using RevMan 5.4 software, and the combined dichotomous effect sizes were expressed as relative risk (RR) and 95% confidence interval (CI).

Result  A total of 2 randomized controlled trials and 5 non-randomized controlled trials including 2 226 patients were included, and the analysis suggested that early anticoagulation treatment  (≤3 days)  was similar to delayed anticoagulation (> 3 days) in terms of total ischemic events [RR=1.04, 95%CI(0.67, 1.61), P=0.88], recurrent ischemic strokes or transient ischemic attack [RR=0.88, 95%CI(0.58, 1.34), P=0.56], major bleeding [RR=1.24, 95%CI(0.59, 2.62), P=0.56], and symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage [RR=0.98, 95%CI(0.44, 2.17), P=0.96]. In terms of total cerebral hemorrhages, the incidence was lower than in the delayed anticoagulation group.

Conclusion  Anticoagulation started early after the occurrence of atrial fibrillation related ischemic stroke is similar to delayed anticoagulation in terms of effectiveness, and does not increase the risk of bleeding in patients.

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