While the research on intelligent auxiliary diagnosis and treatment technology of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has achieved sound development, the situation of corresponding transformation and application is not optimistic. One of the major causes is lacking physician trust in auxiliary diagnosis and treatment technology. The project had investigated the logical points of syn-drome differentiation and treatment and integrated them to construct the relevant models for con-structing TCM clinical auxiliary diagnosis and treatment platform, which enhanced physicians' under-standing of the basic principles of auxiliary diagnosis and treatment system and trust in the applica-tion of related auxiliary diagnosis and treatment tools. In this study, a preliminary survey was con-ducted among young physicians who have used this platform independently developed by the re-search group to understand the feasibility of exchanging the logic points of TCM thinking in the form of interviews, and to initially learn the impact of the integration of logic points of syndrome differen-tiation and treatment in TCM on the trust of doctors. It is expected that our work could promote the application of TCM clinical auxiliary diagnosis and treatment technology.
HomeArticlesVol 32,2022 No.6Detail
Physician’s trust in a Traditional Chinese Medicine auxiliary diagnosis and treatment platform integrated into the logic points of syndrome differentiation and treatment: a pre-liminary survey
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