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Intervention study on "STICK Strategy" to promote active health movement of the elderly

Published on Dec. 25, 2022Total Views: 3443 timesTotal Downloads: 1164 timesDownloadMobile

Author: Qian GENG 1# Yan CHEN 2# Zheng-Gang BAI 2 Ping CAI 1 Qi-Sai LU 2 Yu-Hong YANG 2 Guo-Qing SUN 1 Yu SUN 1

Affiliation: 1.College of Health Engineering, Nanjing City Vocational College, Nanjing 211200,China 2.School of Public Affairs, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China

Keywords: STICK strategy Elderly Health intervention

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-5511.202209047

Reference: Geng Q, Chen Y, Bai ZG, Cai P, Chen QS, Yang YH, Sun GQ, Sun Y. Intervention study on "STICK Strategy" to promote active health movement of the elderly[J]. Yixue Xinzhi Zazhi, 2022, 32(6): 447-452. DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1004-5511.202209047.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective To explore the intervention effect of STICK strategy in encouraging middle-aged and elderly people to develop and maintain active and continuous healthy exercise habit. 

Method  The STICK strategy was used to carry out active healthy exercise intervention for mid-dle-aged and elderly people, and relevant data were collected through the questionnaire and scale, and SPSS 26 was used for multiple regression analysis. 

Result  A total of 86 elderly people were in-cluded in the STICK strategy project, most of them were women (65.12%), and most of them were aged 40-74 years (83.72%). After the intervention of STICK strategy, the exercise frequency (4.65±0.59 vs. 4.21±1.13), daily exercise duration (4.20±0.73 vs. 3.43±1.12), the exercise attitude scores (208.07±17.99 vs. 188.93±25.38) and the quality of life (3.15±1.01 vs. 2.51±0.75) for mid-dle-aged and elderly people were significantly higher than those before intervention, while exercise intensity was lower than that before intervention (1.30 ± 0.65 vs. 1.49 ± 0.65), all with statistically significant differences (P<0.05). Furthermore, health promotion was the primary factor in promoting exercise in middle-aged and elderly people. 

Conclusion  The STICK strategy has been effective in improving the effect of active and continuous healthy exercise for middle-aged and elderly people in China.

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