With the continuous development of the biomedical field, the demand for related technol-ogies is also increasing. New biomedical technology is an emerging technology that acts at cell and molec-ular level and provides the necessary guarantee to support the development of biomedical research. More research is needed to explore the benefits and risks of this new experimental treatment method. China's new biomedical technology has recorded great achievements supported by the relevant policies. Yet it still faces problems including vague definition and lack of risk supervision. This paper introduces the definition of new biomedical technology in different fields, and taking the new biomedical technologies in the field of biomedicine as the object, it analyzes the development of the currently existing market and management status in China. It then discusses the risks associated with such biotechnology and puts forward personal suggestions for a suitable supervision system.
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Reflection on the development and management of the biomedical new technology in biomedicine field in China
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