Regenerative endodontics is one of the main therapies for immature teeth with pulp necrosis. Its key goals involve controlling infection in the root canal and promoting the proliferation and differentia-tion potential of apical stem cells. Therefore, it is essential to choose appropriate antimicrobial therapeu-tics for clinical application, which can control the infection of immature teeth and protect apical stem cells thus promoting the continued development of the root, preserving teeth and maintaining the integrity of dentition after treatment. This paper reviews the antibacterial characteristics of common root canal disin-fectant drugs used in endodontic regeneration procedures, the biocompatibility of apical stem cells, med-ication methods and the clinical application efficacy of both, so as to provide a reference for the selection of antimicrobial agents in clinical treatment.
HomeArticlesVol 33,2023 No.2Detail
The application of antimicrobial agents in regenerative endodontic procedures
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