Objective To systematically describe and evaluate studies on self-help interventions for colorectal cancer ostomy patients using an evidence map approach.
Methods SinoMed, CNKI, Wanfang Data, VIP, PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Embase were searched from inception to July 2024 to retrieve randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and systematic reviews/Meta-analyses on self-help interventions for colorectal cancer patients with ostomies. The ROB 1.0 and AMSTAR 2 tool were used to assess the quality of included studies. Outcomes were classified according to the International Classification of Nursing Outcomes. Bubble charts were used to comprehensively present intervention types, intervention pathways and study conclusions of the outcome.
Results A total of 47 articles were included, with 42 RCTs and 5 systematic reviews/Meta-analyses. The RCTs were classified into three intervention types and 11 self-help intervention methods: 3 articles focused on completely self-managed interventions, 13 on purely self-help interventions, and 26 on guided self-help interventions. The intervention methods mainly involved online self-help tools such as WeChat, ostomy-specific management software, and multimedia. The primary outcome indicators included quality of life (24 articles), ostomy-related complications (19 articles), and self-care ability (16 articles). Most studies showed that self-help interventions were effective in colorectal cancer ostomy patients, with only 3 showing no significant effect. Systematic reviews/Meta-analyses all focused on guided self-help interventions. The intervention methods involved telephones, the Internet, with primary outcome indicators being self-management ability, quality of life, anxiety and depression. 3 studies showed that self-help interventions were effective in colorectal cancer ostomy patients, while 2 studies showed no significant effects.
Conclusion The results of the evidence map show that self-help interventions such as mobile phones and the internet can effectively improve the self-management ability of enterostomy patients and reduce the incidence of stoma complications. However, the effects vary across different intervention types and durations. High-quality research incorporating technologies such as big data is needed in the future to establish a precise and intelligent intervention system and to focus on long-lasting effects.
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