With the development of medical big data, the real-world study (RWS) has received increasing attention in recent years, and has a good promising prospect. However, there are still some challenges in the implementation of RWS that has led to extensive discussion among scholars. The most urgent issue currently to be addressed is the unstructured nature of real-world data (RWD). Based on regular expressions, this study used rule-based information extraction method to extract structured information from admission records, pathological reports, surgical records, and image records of bladder cancer patients in Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University in recent years, and evaluated the extraction effects with accuracy and recall as indicators, aiming to provide reference for subsequent research.
HomeArticlesVol 34,2024 No.3Detail
Research on real-world knowledge mining and knowledge graph completion v(III):structured information extraction from real world data of bladder cancer based on regular expression
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