Evidence-based medicine is the basic requirement of international and Chinese medical education, which aims to cultivate medical talents with critical thinking, innovation and clinical problem solving abilities. Wuhan University has offered an evidence-based medicine curriculum since 2004. It has carried out a comprehensive and systematic exploration of practice, completed the establishment of teaching and research departments, the development of teachers and construction of a curriculum sys-tem, covering all medical students. Evidence-based medicine education has been effectively integrated into the development process of medical students in the new era. This paper introduces the orientation and construction of the curriculum system for evidence-based medicine in Wuhan University. In partic-ular, it summarizes the methods of the "1+4" curriculum teaching mode, evaluation of "teaching" and "learning" in the whole process, and explores teacher’s development and heritage, aiming to provide suggestions for China's evidence-based medicine education, and promote the cultivation of medical tal-ents.
HomeArticlesVol 32,2022 No.1Detail
Construction and application of a curriculum system for evidence-based medicine: an example from Wuhan University
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