Objective To evaluate the effect of three-dimensional finite element technology combined with the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) teaching model in the teaching of clinical practice to orthopedic graduate students. Methods 42 postgraduates who had undergone standardized residency training at the Orthopedic Base of the Chi-na-Japan Friendship Hospital from September 2019 to December 2020 were randomly divided into A, B, and C groups. The 42 postgraduates were taught by different methods for the same course content. Group A received 3D fi-nite element technology combined with PBL, Group B received PBL, and Group C received traditional teaching. The effects of the teaching were evaluated through examinations and self-evaluation questionnaires. Results Examina-tion grades among students in group A were significantly higher than those in groups B (78.57% vs. 35.71%) and C (78.57% vs. 21.43%). Scores for degree of satisfaction with teaching, knowledge mastery and course interest in group A were also significantly higher than those in groups B and C, and the difference was statistically significant (P< 0.05). Conclusion Three-dimensional finite element technology combined with a PBL teaching model can significantly improve students' academic performance, improve teaching quality, and provides a better teaching experience.
HomeArticlesVol 31,2021 No.5Detail
The effect of three-dimensional finite element technology combined with problem-based learning teaching model in clinical teaching of orthopaedic graduate students
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