Viral infection activates the cGAS-STING signaling pathway and induces an antiviral response with in-creased expression of a series of cytokines including interferon. If the antiviral effect fails to effectively inhibit virus replication and eliminate the virus, normal alveolar tissue will be destroyed by the virus and serious inflammatory reaction. The primary autopsy confirmed the destruction of bronchoalveolar epithe-lial cells and interstitial tissues and server inflammatory injury. In the absence of effective antiviral drugs, it is important that the antiviral immunity and anti-oxidant stress are the main measures to prevent the progress of the disease. Aspirin plays an important role in blocking the pathway of cGAS-STING-cytokines. High dose vitamin C can alleviate the oxidative injury and promote tissue repair, therefor to reduce the mortality of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia and shorten the days staying in ICU. Early clinical interven-tion of aspirin and high dose vitamin C is recommended.
HomeArticlesVol 30,2020 No.3Detail
The recommendation of early clinical intervention of aspirin and high dose vitamin C for 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia
Published on Mar. 14, 2020Total Views: 12563 timesTotal Downloads: 5111 timesDownloadMobile
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- References
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